786-457-0505 laya@layaseghi.com

Why do I love my work so much?! Fortunately, as I seek the latest research and methods to help my clients, I also get the added bonus of receiving personal work to release my own unresolved stress of which I’m not even consciously aware.

Recently I attended the Advanced NET (NeuroEmotional Technique) training in Philadelphia taught by Dr. Anna Tobia and Dr. Daniel Monti. Both are also the lead investigators in ongoing research at the The Department of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University Medical College, the first academic department of its kind in academic medicine.

Their published research on treating unresolved stress in cancer patients demonstrates the impressive result of NET rewiring the brain. Under the direction of the neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg, a leading expert in brain imaging, they studied functional MRI’s before and after treatment with 3-5 NET sessions. The images clearly show the emotional brain (e.g. amygdala, parahippocampus) firing up when exposed to the script of their stressful experience before the NET treatment and non-reactive after.


Learning from these pros and witnessing their skill in demonstrating advanced techniques is an inspiration in itself. Even more profoundly impactful is the experience of being worked on and working with others. Going back to original events where limiting beliefs became installed, tapping into unresolved trauma buried in the unconscious for years, can bring tears of relief when the stress is finally revealed and healed.

After such a clearing, fresh energy is released. A feeling of expansion and joy is the most frequent result. No wonder I love this work! I learn how to help my clients, and in doing so, I also help myself. I come back from training feeling more energized than ever.

I am now certified in practicing NET at the highest level, earning the privilege of being able to add CertIII after my name. But there’s something much more valuable to me than the title. It’s the personal benefit I receive from NET for the evolution of my own psyche along with the confidence I gain in knowing I can be an effective facilitator for helping others.

If you haven’t ever booked a session with me, consider doing so to relieve your unresolved stress. To understand how NET works, have a look at Dr. Monti explaining it:

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