Combining over 40 years of experience as a clinical social worker with extensive training in Western science and Eastern healing systems, Laya Seghi’s integrative approach is heart-based, relying on intuition and the innate wisdom of each client.

Each telehealth or remote session with Laya is a creative process. She uses the most appropriate and effective modality for each particular treatment priority to release the stress that obstructs one’s natural ability to heal. Learn more about the healing modalities in Laya’s toolbox:
NET helps clients process and release stress-related issues – both in mind and body. Individually, we may not see the link between the past and our present symptoms. NET can help identify and resolve negatively-charged emotional responses to past events (real or imagined). The technique is fast and can dramatically improve your physical and mental health.
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Learn some self-soothing techniques to take the “nervous” out of your nervous system.
Laya has created a user-friendly collection of videos to help you de-stress, reset, and heal so that you can thrive in your daily life
Laya’s self-help videos are derived from a variety of treatment modalities she practices.
These include: EMDR, NET, BodyIntuitive, BodyTalk, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Mindfulness Meditation.
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Blogs by Laya
RE-WIRE YOUR BRAIN: How it works
Why do I love my work so much?! Fortunately, as I seek the latest research and methods to help my clients, I also get the added bonus of receiving personal work to release my own unresolved stress of which I’m not even consciously aware. Recently I attended the...
WATER ELEMENT RESET to revitalize your energy
The Five Element Theory is based on the idea that different forces combine in nature to create harmony and balance. The five elements are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. In Chinese medicine, the Five Element Theory is an approach to understand imbalances within...
Metal Element Reset: Immune Boost & Letting Go
The Five Element Theory is based on the idea that different forces combine in nature to create harmony and balance. The five elements are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. In Chinese medicine, the Five Element Theory is an approach to understand imbalances within...
Laya’s Instagram Posts
About My Practice
BodyIntuitive • EMDR • NET (NeuroEmotional Technique)
Laya is trained in multiple modalities;
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